The new penetration of the agricultures of the underdeveloped countries by the industrial nations and their multinational concerns

Feder, Ernest (1975): The new penetration of the agricultures of the underdeveloped countries by the industrial nations and their multinational concerns. Occasional Papers, No.19 . Institute of Latin American Studies, Estados Unidos.

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The Institute's Occasional Papers are intended mainly as working papers produced at an early stage of a research project, to communicate with and invite reaction from colleagues elsewhere. They can, however, also afford an opportunity to publish a lenghty piece of finished research which is too long for an article, yet shorter than a monograph. The majority of the Occassional Papers will be the work of members of staff, research fellows and graduate students at Glasgow University, particulary within the Institute. Since it is hoped to make the Ocassional Papers representative of ongoing research in Scotland on Latin American topics in the different disciplines, it is envisaged than members of staff with Latin American interests in other Scottish universities will be invited to contribute. At the same time, it is not our intention to be exclusive and we should like colleagues elsewhere to feel free to offer contributions.

Tipo de Documento: Libro
Nombre de la Serie: Occasional Papers
Volumen: No.19
Fecha: 1975
Palabras clave: corporaciones multinacionales, multinational corporations, países industrializados, industrial countries, expansión capitalista, capitalist expansion
Clasificación JEL: F - Economía internacional > F2 - Movimientos internacionales de factores y actividad económica internacional
F - Economía internacional > F2 - Movimientos internacionales de factores y actividad económica internacional > F23 - Empresas multinacionales ; Actividad económica internacional
F - Economía internacional > F5 - Relaciones internacionales y economía política internacional
Depositado: 07 Feb 2014 19:58

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