Empowerment of Women: the experience of the PRI

Girón, Alicia (2008): Empowerment of Women: the experience of the PRI. In: Session 28: Mexican Women: Both Sides of the Border, 15-22 de junio de 2008, IAFFE Summer Conference en Torino, Italia. (No publicado)

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The complexity of discussing the obstacles and limitations in the empowerment of women members of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) implies understanding the structure of a party in government that shaped the Mexican State during seven decades of the20th century. The participation of women as congressional deputies and senators will proceed together with the necessary transformations toward democratic structures demanded by the party itself and the country. Implicitly, gender participatory democracy will respond to the prevalent culture within the party as well as society and the country. Even though the PRI3 is a party that was characterized for its defense of the principles of the revolutionary elite as well as in staking a clear distances from the power of the clergy, it did not have the capacity to include its women participants in the social movements as representative leaders in the parliamentary chambers. The PRI represented an androcentric power, corresponding to a nationalist project in which women were not part of the prevailing political banner of the party until the country’s democratic life made it necessary to include women and recognize them as political leaders appreciated for their intellectual capacity and leadership within the party.

Tipo de Documento: Ponencia/Presentación en Jornada, Congreso (Artículo)
Fecha: 15 Junio 2008
Palabras clave: obstacles, empowerment, women, PRI, Mexican state
Clasificación JEL: H - Economía pública > H1 - Estructura y ámbito del sector público
J - Economía laboral y demográfica > J1 - Economía demográfica > J16 - Economía de genero ; No discriminación laboral
J - Economía laboral y demográfica > J1 - Economía demográfica > J18 - Política pública
J - Economía laboral y demográfica > J3 - Salarios, remuneraciones y costes laborales > J31 - Nivel y estructura salarial ; Diferencias salariales por cualifación, formación, ocupación, etc.
Divisiones: Unidades de Investigación > Economía Fiscal y Financiera
Depositado: 07 Feb 2014 20:02
URI: http://ru.iiec.unam.mx/id/eprint/2412

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