Wolf, Gunnar
Curated Web-of-Trust keyrings for free software projects: A case study on Debian's experience.
In: LibrePlanet 2018, 24-25 Mar 2018, Cambridge, Massachussetts.
The Debian project has used a cryptographic keyring for most of its authentication for over twenty years. Recently, we have taken on the study of the social implications that can be learned from how it's shaped, and its inner movements. Our aim is not just to document, but to understand what it means. We don't want to keep it as an academic-only exercise. I want to share some of our insights in this session.
This should also be a opportunity to invite other projects to follow Debian in not only loosely using OpenPGP, but in constituting a true Curated Web-of-Trust keyring. This talk should serve as documentation and motivation towards what this means, exploring which policies we follow, and part of our rationale to it.
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