Distributed Detection of Tor Directory Authorities Censorship in Mexico

Wolf, Gunnar (2019): Distributed Detection of Tor Directory Authorities Censorship in Mexico. In: The Eighteenth International Conference on Networks, 24 -- 28 Mar 2019, Valencia, España.

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The Tor network relies on individuals to set up relays for it to operate. Campaigns have in the past been successfully made to invite more people to join, and the network currently consists of close to 6,500 relays, spread globally. Although the Latin American region has many characteristics that make it natural to expect a wide participation in Tor, it has lagged behind most of the world in its Tor activity — Both considering client usage and participation as relays. This study focuses on the difficulties the Mexican user community has faced in setting up Tor relays, and presents how –and why– we deployed a relatively very simple and unsophisticated network censorship reporting system, as well as the results we have received so far. While this is still considered a work in progress, it has yielded important results as an aide allowing to specify the needed characteristics for potential relays, with a clear, measurable result.

Tipo de Documento: Ponencia/Presentación en Jornada, Congreso (Artículo)
Información Adicional: ISBN: 978-1-61208-695-8
Fecha: 28 Marzo 2019
Palabras clave: ISP; Tor; Censorship; Detection; Mexico
Clasificación JEL: Z - Otros temas especiales > Z0 - Generalidades > Z00 - Generalidades
Depositado: 28 Mar 2019 23:19
URI: http://ru.iiec.unam.mx/id/eprint/4538

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