Learning from our keyring: What do our PGP keys say about the project?

Wolf, Gunnar (2016): Learning from our keyring: What do our PGP keys say about the project? In: DebConf 16, 2-9 Jul 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.

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Since the keyring-maint team started aggresively pushing for the retirement of short, obsoleted PGP keys two years ago, I started trying to get the keyring to "spew" some interesting data for us. Besides just showing the evolution on the number of keys conforming to our current best-practices, I started looking at the ugly entanglement of our keyring's graphical representation, and started hypothetizing what caused certain patterns to appear in its evolution. I am currently starting to do some aging and vitality analysis on the signatures and the keys themselves. The work I will be presenting is not likely to be a gamechanger for Debian, but it can be an entertaining way to understand social reationships in our project, and can lead us to understand some important turning points - maybe even forsee and prevent issues from arising at all.

Tipo de Documento: Ponencia/Presentación en Jornada, Congreso (Charla)
Fecha: 4 Julio 2016
Palabras clave: PGP keyring web of trust signature aging
Clasificación JEL: Y - Categorías diversas > Y9 - Otros > Y90 - Otros
Z - Otros temas especiales > Z0 - Generalidades > Z00 - Generalidades
Depositado: 25 Jul 2016 18:01
URI: http://ru.iiec.unam.mx/id/eprint/3175

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