New phase of development and knowledge capitalism: gramsci’s historical revenge?

Ordóñez, Sergio (2010): New phase of development and knowledge capitalism: gramsci’s historical revenge? International Gramsci Jounal (2). ISSN 1836-6554

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Gramsci’s contribution to Marxism is based on the understanding of the historicity of capitalism, not only as a mode of production that prepares the historical-material conditions for scientific socialism (which is Marx's contribution), but as changing (historical) unities between economy, politics, ideology, and culture that represent historical phases of development within the mode of production. It is, in fact, this understanding that distinguishes Gramsci from the rest of the early Marxist theoreticians after Marx. In this sense, the problem that Gramsci poses in Prison Notebooks is how to explain, based on the Marxist theoretical framework, the emergence and decline of the historical phases of development of capitalism, without the (historical) crises that intervene in this transition resulting in a process of social revolution that leads to the scientific socialism foreseen by Marx. This unfolding of these developments was already evident at the time in which the Notebooks were written with the emergence of americanism and fascism. This article argues that the tremendous timeliness of Gramscian thought resides in the appreciation that, at the current time, just as in the 1930s, the transition to a new phase of the development of capitalism, for which the term knowledge capitalism is proposed, is verifiable, for which the technological-productive fundamentals have thus far been developed without its projection having yet taken place in the superstructure. From this flows a double historical revenge of Gramscian thought, since, on the one hand, it provides a valuable theoretical instrument for understanding and taking advantage of historical change, and, on the other, it offers major political strategic principles that at the current time, based on forms of production and autonomous social organization of the subaltern groups and classes within knowledge capitalism, have the historical-social space to contribute to the construction of an alternative hegemony characteristic of these classes and groups. To delve into this question, the article has been divided in three sections. The first section presents Gramscian theoretical tools for understanding historical change; the second synthetically explains the distinctive features of the new phase of development and characterizes the moment of its current unfolding in light of the previously mentioned theoretical instruments, and the third section discusses postcapitalist forms of production and social organization that could lead to the formation of alternative hegemonic social blocs in the framework of the emergence of the new phase of development that is becoming a historical epoch.

Tipo de Documento: Artículo
Número: 2
Fecha: Abril 2010
Palabras clave: Gramsci, new phase of development, knowledge capitalism, Gramscian theoretical tools
Clasificación JEL: O - Desarrollo económico, cambio tecnológico y crecimiento > O1 - Desarrollo económico
O - Desarrollo económico, cambio tecnológico y crecimiento > O1 - Desarrollo económico > O14 - Industrialización ; Industrias manufactureras y de servicios ; Elección de tecnología
O - Desarrollo económico, cambio tecnológico y crecimiento > O3 - Cambio tecnológico ; Investigación y desarrollo (I+D)
O - Desarrollo económico, cambio tecnológico y crecimiento > O3 - Cambio tecnológico ; Investigación y desarrollo (I+D) > O33 - Cambio tecnológico : opciones y consecuencias ; Difusión
Divisiones: Unidades de Investigación > Economía del Conocimiento y Desarrollo
Depositado: 30 Abr 2012 18:26

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