López, Teresa y Basilio Morales, Eufemia Economic growth and financial development in Mexico: from a virtuous circle of a bidirectional causality to a financial subordination. In: The Financialization Response to Economic Disequilibria. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 213-230.
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The aim of this chapter is to analyse the evolution of the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Mexico for the period 1990–2013. This analysis is placed within the context of financial deregulation and the formal adoption in 2001 of the macroeconomic model of inflation targeting. The hypothesis guiding the analysis argues that during the period that the Mexican financial system was regulated by mechanisms controlling interest rates and selective credit policies, the relationship between the financial system and economic growth formed an interdependent relationship that gave rise to a virtuous circle.
Tipo de Documento: | Sección de Libro |
Palabras clave: | Evolution of the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Mexico |
Colecciones: | SIN ESPECIFICAR |
Clasificación JEL: | O - Desarrollo económico, cambio tecnológico y crecimiento > O1 - Desarrollo económico O - Desarrollo económico, cambio tecnológico y crecimiento > O2 - Planificación y política de desarrollo |
Divisiones: | SIN ESPECIFICAR |
Depositado: | 04 Abr 2018 15:27 |
URI: | http://ru.iiec.unam.mx/id/eprint/4062 |
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